Monday, March 28, 2011

Can you say countdown??

36 weeks- Its funny because before I got pregnant I thought that was the ending mark. 36 weeks=9 months…so I’m done, right? WRONG! Now I know this whole baby making process takes 40 weeks. So, 25 days to go. I can do this with my eyes closed! There is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel…..there better be a few margaritas at the end of that darn tunnel waiting on me too. :) I’m still feeling great for the most part. My biggest complaints are just being more tired than I ever thought possible and walking around on tree trunks every day. Everything below the knee is swollen beyond belief. I honestly have not seen my ankle bone in weeks. It looks like someone blew them up like a balloon. Larry actually cringes when he sees them sometimes- yes, they’re that bad. Speaking of Larry, if you were to ask him…His biggest complaint would probably be the snoring. He has to escape to the couch midway through the night because of my hog calling. Lets pray the snoring ends in 25 days too! This weekend I got a lot done in the nursery and feel slightly more prepared for Emerson's arrival. Mom and Meghan helped me make decisions on what to buy, how to get everything put away, etc. I definitely felt a meltdown coming on before their visit. I also packed my bag for the hospital, which made everything seem quite real. I’m really going to do this. When I bring that bag back home from the hospital, there will be a new member of our family. Wow! That is hard to believe. When I went to the dr on Friday, they said that she has definitely dropped and is very low (is there any way for me to back out of this now??). I didnt gain any weight from 35 to 36 weeks, so they are not sure if the baby is growing. They're going to do an ultrasound on Thursday to verify that she is growing/still has space to grow. Hopefully we will have good news after the ultrasound....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I had another fantastic shower last weekend! A couple of neighbors and friends threw an “all dessert” shower that was absolutely amazing. Everything looked beautiful, the food was delicious, lots of friends were able to come, and the weather was perfect. It couldn’t have been better (except maybe if I could have had a glass of that cute pink champagne everyone enjoyed).
I got tons of great stuff that I cant wait to use: baby slings, onsies, sleepers, swaddling blankets, diapers, bottles, the list goes on. Everyone was very generous and I cant wait for all of them to meet Emerson!
Here are a few pix of from the shower:

delicious desserts!
a few of my neighbors who came to the shower
adorable party favors
busy opening the wonderful gifts
so many cute things....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lets get ready to push!

Well, well, well the little gymnast has finally done THE flip. While Emerson seems to be practicing her gymnastics all day in my belly, she finally did the flip that counts- she is out of the breech position. She is “in perfect position” according to my doctor. My question was “perfect position for what”…. I was getting used to the idea of a having a c-section and avoiding all of that labor related “stuff”. J Just to be clear I asked my doctor- “ so, I have to push her out of my vagina???????????????”. You never know, there might be a back up plan with modern medicine these days. My doctor was quick to inform me that yes, I would be doing this the old fashioned way. Can you say Epidural?? To make matters worse, my doctor said “Holy Toledo” when she measured Emerson’s head. Apparently this little sweet pea has a huge noggin (measuring 3-4 weeks larger than she should be). Can they start the epidural now?? My doctor was not worried that the large head could be a sign of something wrong. She just said Emerson takes after her dad.
Other than being a bobble head, everything looked great in the ultrasound. She is 5 lbs. 2 oz. and growing steadily. I go to the doctor weekly now, so I’ll have tons to update in the next few weeks.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Last weekend I had my first shower and it was amazing!! I got lots of wonderful things for Emerson and her nursery and got to see everyone in NC. Everyone was very generous and I am extremely thankful for all of the wonderful gifts. I am very excited to find a home for everything and start making her room look like we’re actually expecting her to come sometime soon. J Here are a few pix from the shower.
The house looked absolutely amazing for my shower. The hostesses (sister and sister-in-law) looked pretty amazing too. :)
Zoe was a big help handing me the gifts!
One of my many gifts- the glider/rocker for the nursery..pretty amazing!
more gifts!!
yes, that is an ice sculpture for the big E!!! My brother in law made this contribution to the shower and it did make everything seem very fabulous! How are we going to top an ice sculpture for her 1st birthday party???