Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lets get ready to push!

Well, well, well the little gymnast has finally done THE flip. While Emerson seems to be practicing her gymnastics all day in my belly, she finally did the flip that counts- she is out of the breech position. She is “in perfect position” according to my doctor. My question was “perfect position for what”…. I was getting used to the idea of a having a c-section and avoiding all of that labor related “stuff”. J Just to be clear I asked my doctor- “ so, I have to push her out of my vagina???????????????”. You never know, there might be a back up plan with modern medicine these days. My doctor was quick to inform me that yes, I would be doing this the old fashioned way. Can you say Epidural?? To make matters worse, my doctor said “Holy Toledo” when she measured Emerson’s head. Apparently this little sweet pea has a huge noggin (measuring 3-4 weeks larger than she should be). Can they start the epidural now?? My doctor was not worried that the large head could be a sign of something wrong. She just said Emerson takes after her dad.
Other than being a bobble head, everything looked great in the ultrasound. She is 5 lbs. 2 oz. and growing steadily. I go to the doctor weekly now, so I’ll have tons to update in the next few weeks.


  1. just caught up on the Eblog. Love you and looking forward to reading more in the next few weeks. So wish I could just drop by for a visit!

  2. I haven't read the bloog as much as i used to so i just read the first one and i am kinda scared for gg and excited that Emerson is going to be born. So, we'll be ready when she gets here!! i am sooooo excited!:)
