Wednesday, December 29, 2010
6 months
There is no ultrasound at the 6 month visit. They just check the heartbeat to make sure that is healthy, which it was.
Much to my surprise I had not gained any weight since my visit last month. I just knew all of those holiday treats and snacks had packed on a few pounds. Somehow I'm miraculously still at 7lbs total weight gain. This is great news, but offers no explanation to my belly and arse that seem to be growing by the day! :) Take a look at the 6 month pix to the right.
Here's an update on baby at 24 weeks:
Baby's skin is becoming more opaque as the fat starts to pack on. And, thanks to the formation of small capillaries, her newly thick skin is taking on a fresh pink glow.
Your baby's face is basically complete now. The fetus's eyes are close together on the front of her face and they are still shut. Even though your baby's eyes are still fused shut, all the parts of her eyes are present, including the retina, which completes its development over the next month. The iris, the colored part of the eye, still doesn't have any pigmentation. Your little one's eye color will fill in over the next few months, though their final shade won't be settled until after she's born. Your baby's ears have moved into their final position on the sides of his head. Where they are now is where they will be when your baby is born! Hair will continue to grow on her scalp and her eyelashes are well developed. Most of your baby's features look the same as they will at birth. Jumping and diving, rolling and kicking—your little one is having a great time training for the Baby Olympics. Just as you settle in for a good night's sleep, she starts her workout. Does it seem as if she's moving more than ever? She is: Babies are most active between 24 and 28 weeks. After that, there won't be enough room for her to perform the acrobatics she's so adept at now.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Atlanta Perinatal, here I come....
My next worry/obsession is that she is not growing enough b/c it doesnt seem like my belly is growing enough. Let me clarify that I am fully aware my belly has grown from pre-pregnancy b/c NONE of my pants button. Nonetheless, based on everyone/everything else I see my belly does not look 22 weeks. Someone at work asked me "oh, are you expecting a small baby?"..... I wont even bother typing some of my possible responses. To clarify another point, I do not wish to/want to be huge. I do just want to be sure I am big enough for her to grow/be big enough. Everyone says, dont wish it upon yourself, the belly will come....... I guess I should listen to the masses. OR I could just find out from the doctor tomorrow. :)
Week 22, here's what's going on with baby-
Baby's settling into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.
Your baby's senses are developing daily. The fetus now has a full complement of neurons in the brain and is learning about her body and surroundings through touch. Touch is one of the first senses to mature and your baby may stroke its face or feel her arms and legs. Your baby now shows an extremely rapid brain growth(which lasts until five years after birth).
Your baby's body continues to grow and develop every day. The organ systems in your baby's body are becoming specialized for their particular functions.
Sounds from a conversation are loud enough to be heard by the fetus in the uterus. If you talk, read, or sing to your baby, it's reasonable to expect him or her to be able to hear you.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The best part is that they had everything in stock and it is going to be delivered this Sunday! Here is a pix of the furniture in white...the set I got is antique white, but you get the idea.
Here's an update on baby: Your baby's blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord system continues to grow and thicken as blood travels with considerable force through the body to nurture the baby. The placenta is now almost equal in size to the baby. As your baby begins to lay down more fat, your weight will also increase. During the next 10 weeks, you will gain about half of the total gain for your entire pregnancy. Strangers can now tell that you are pregnant! You might notice an increase in appetite because you need 500 more calories a day to support your charged up metabolism. Your baby's different organs and systems are maturing. The fetal digestive system is functioning in a simple way and your baby can swallow amniotic fluid. After your baby swallows the amniotic fluid, she is able to absorb water and sugars from the fluid. Your baby swallows the amniotic fluid in order to prepare itself for life outside of the womb. Some babies consume as much as 17 ounces of amniotic fluid in a 24-hour period. Your baby already has a high number of red blood cells and the white blood cells are beginning to be produced.
Sounds like baby's going to be growing and packing on the pounds and I have some of the same to look forward to.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I am happy to say that I had my first dr. visit that included only good news!! During the ultrasound everything looked wonderful. All of the measurements that they took were right on target for 20 weeks. So, apparently she is growing and developing perfectly. The placenta has moved up some and is no longer considered "low lying" or placenta previa. Whew! Who knew a placenta could be so much darn trouble???
I go see the specialist in a couple of weeks to make sure he agrees that everything looks great. If he does say all is well, then my dr. might start lifting restrictions. Yay! I"m sure Larry will be happ
Here is a picture from the ultrasound. I know it isn't an incredibly clear picture, but work with me...This is her profile(top of her head to the left) and she has her leg up in the air bent at the knee. Her knee is up near her face, practically touching her nose. Hopefully you can see it....
I did have an exciting pregnany milestone this week- buying my first pair of maternity pants. I have been lucky that I could wear my regular pants until about week 18. At that point I needed a bella band (a band you wear over the top of your pants if they fit everywhere except the waist and you cant button them). This was a great solution for about 2 weeks. Something must have changed (no need to guess what changed) b/c a few days ago the bella band was just more frustrating than it was worth. I decided it was time to suck it up, accept that I have a gut, and go to Target to get one pair of maternity pants to get me through work the next day. Well, let me tell you- maternity pants are the best things on the planet. You really should get a pair- pregnant or not! :) Seriously, maternity pants are so comfortable and alleviates that frustrating bella band. If only jeans with an elastic top could be in style.... :) Everyone said- once you wear maternity pants you wont want to wear anything else. Well, its true- believe the hype!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
In the last four weeks the baby has grown quite a bit and her weight is almost four times more. Now she is the size of a cantaloupe!
Here's a little info on the mayhem this baby is bringing to my body: For the remainder of your pregnancy, the growing uterus puts pressure on your lungs, stomach and kidneys. This will make you feel short of breath, the need to urinate more frequently and can cause indigestion. The added pressure on your abdomen can also cause your bellybutton to protrude and cause an `outy` instead of an `inny`. Many pregnant women begin to notice stretch marks around this time as well. Your abdominal muscles are being stretched and pushed apart as your baby grows inside of you. Is anyone else frightened by this?????
I'm sure you noticed, but I posted a 5 month belly shot picture to the right. Quite a difference! Here is a comparison of 5 month v. 4 month just for fun.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Team Pink wins!!!
We found out that we are having a girl when we went to the specialist on Thursday. I didnt post anything immediately because we were going to NC the next day and wanted to share the news with everyone face to face.
I bought several pink onsies and wrapped them up as "early Christmas presents". Since everyone was expecting a Christmas gift and not really thinking about a onsie or the gender of our baby, it took them a while to catch on (some longer than others-Lani), but they eventually got the idea. The reactions were quite varied- all the way from squealing and dancing to slight profanity and "you lied to me". In the end everyone was very excited to have a new baby girl in the family.
I head back to the dr in a week, so hopefully I"ll have new pix for you then!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
This is literally our first dr. visit without getting a new, frightening diagnosis. I love good news!
I saw my regular dr. after that and she said that I can return to work on Monday, but with several restrictions. Basically I should sit at my desk and only leave to use the restroom. I should work a max of 8 hours/day and then come home to take it easy. So, I"m off bed rest (hallelujah), but still on pelvic rest-no lifting, standing for long periods, walking, excercising, etc. After 5 straight weeks of bed rest, I must say that I'm actually looking forward to going back to work. I think it will be good for me to rejoin the world and give me something other than daytime TV to pass the time.
Like all good things, my life of leisure has come to an end....
18 weeks now and 22 weeks to go (maybe)!!!
Here's what is going on with baby & me at 18 weeks: I am doing pretty well, just battling some off and on nausea. I 'm having such a hard time regulating my eating. I'll feel full one minute and literally 15 minutes later it seems like I"m starving. It is the weirdest thing. On top of that my cravings have kind of taken a break and been replaced with me not being able to think of anything that sounds good. When it is time to eat, I just dont feel like it b/c nothing sounds good. I can't think of one thing that I want to eat. So, I don't eat which results in nausea and I'm back where I started- lovely cycle, huh?
As for the baby:
Your baby will get used to familiar sounds, such as your heart beating, familiar voices, blood rushing through the umbilical cord and other daily routine sounds. Your baby will become startled if he hears a loud sound. Baby becomes sensitive to light now, as the eyes are further developed and the brain is growing very fast.
We head to the specialist this afternoon, so I should have a new update for you soon!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The good news is that placenta previa doesnt seem to cause any great danger to the baby. He thinks it may correct itself before time for delivery, but if it does not I will need a c-section. If a c-section is the worst case scenario for this pregnancy, I will be thrilled. We have had so many scares in the last 16 weeks, a c-section seems like a walk in the park. :) I go back to see the specialist next Thursday, 11/18. He wants to keep an eye on the placenta as the pregnancy progresses.
As soon as we started the ultrasound the nurse asked us if we wanted to find out the gender. Of course I answered "YES". I told her my dr. tried the week before and the baby would not cooperate, she confidently replied- "oh, we'll find out". She tried for over 20 minutes to no avail. Every time she got the baby in the right position, he/she would do a flip. This is not even an exaggeration. He/She flipped EVERY time the nurse tried to look. I'm starting to see a pattern here: the baby defiantly refuses to show us the gender and kicks/stomps on my placenta as the dr. is pointing it out. Should I be worried about a problem with authority????
As far as returning to work.....The specialist and my dr. said that I can not return to work until I have 2 weeks without any complications. So, that means I would be able to return to work Monday, 11/22 if no other complications pop up (just in time to work 2 days before the Thanksgiving break). But, this pregnancy seems to change by the minute. So, stay tuned.....
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
the life of a "kept" woman continues... :)
-The placenta looks better this time, but the dr. can not completely rule out placenta previa yet....
-Dr. B did see a spot during the ultrasound that looks like a subchorionic hemorrhage. I dont know a lot about this, but from what I can tell it is when there is bleeding between the placenta and uterus. It sounds like the prognosis can vary based on the size of the bleeding spot, my age, an the baby's gestational age. It could end up being something that regresses and is no major concern. The other, more severe outcomes could be: the placenta stripping away from where it is attached, placenta abruption, or preterm labor. My doctor is sending me to a specialist at Atlanta Perinatal to have a 2nd set of eyes check it out. I will find out when my appointment will be tomorrow, but most likely it will be next week.
I am on bed rest at least until I see the specialist and hear what he has to, I will live the life of a "kept" woman at least one more week. :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
today's the day...
Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now he's about 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.
Because your baby is moving well now, you may begin to feel his movements! Some women say that the early movements feel like gas bubbles or a slight flutter. If you have not yet felt the baby move, don't worry. Fetal movements are usually felt between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy. You may feel your heart beating 'louder'. This is because there is a lot more blood in your body than normal. (about 50% more)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
105 days down, 175 days to go....
Thursday, October 21, 2010
14 weeks
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.
Monday, October 18, 2010
ultrasound pix
Here are a few pictures from past ultrasounds. Hopefully you can see the pictures clearly enough to be able to tell whats what!
10 weeks
12 weeks
13 weeks
Friday, October 15, 2010
Looks like I'll have plenty of time to work on this blog now. So, keep checking back for updates!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
So I guess we start at the beginning. Baby Thomas is due on April 22, 2011. I am 12 weeks along and after a bit of a rough start, momma and baby are doing great. Once I figure out how this blog-thing works, I'll get some photos of the bump. Just imagine me with a little beer belly. Unfortunately, beer is off limits for me these days. Just one more thing to look forward to in April!