Wednesday, December 29, 2010

6 months

We had the 6 month dr visit today and all is well! I'm still getting used to having "easy" dr visits when there is all good news; no new concern or diagnosis. It definitely is more fun this way and not as mentally draining.
There is no ultrasound at the 6 month visit. They just check the heartbeat to make sure that is healthy, which it was.
Much to my surprise I had not gained any weight since my visit last month. I just knew all of those holiday treats and snacks had packed on a few pounds. Somehow I'm miraculously still at 7lbs total weight gain. This is great news, but offers no explanation to my belly and arse that seem to be growing by the day! :) Take a look at the 6 month pix to the right.
Here's an update on baby at 24 weeks:
Baby's skin is becoming more opaque as the fat starts to pack on. And, thanks to the formation of small capillaries, her newly thick skin is taking on a fresh pink glow.
Your baby's face is basically complete now. The fetus's eyes are close together on the front of her face and they are still shut. Even though your baby's eyes are still fused shut, all the parts of her eyes are present, including the retina, which completes its development over the next month. The iris, the colored part of the eye, still doesn't have any pigmentation. Your little one's eye color will fill in over the next few months, though their final shade won't be settled until after she's born. Your baby's ears have moved into their final position on the sides of his head. Where they are now is where they will be when your baby is born! Hair will continue to grow on her scalp and her eyelashes are well developed. Most of your baby's features look the same as they will at birth. Jumping and diving, rolling and kicking—your little one is having a great time training for the Baby Olympics. Just as you settle in for a good night's sleep, she starts her workout. Does it seem as if she's moving more than ever? She is: Babies are most active between 24 and 28 weeks. After that, there won't be enough room for her to perform the acrobatics she's so adept at now.

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