Thursday, January 6, 2011

Houston, we have a problem...

Ok, I take it all back.....Remember all of those previous posts I made wishing my belly would just look pregnant?? Well, apparently all of the wishes were saved up and cashed in all in the same week. My belly has literally been growing by the hour this week. There have been days this week where you could honestly see the difference from when I got up in the morning to when I went to bed that night-it's growing that fast. I am not sure this much belly is what I had in mind. :) If I've grown this much in one week, I'm petrified to see how much I will grow in 15 more weeks.... I think it's fair to assume I wont still be at 7lbs total weight gain at 7 months.....
Here is a pix from 24 weeks vs. 25 weeks. That's a lot of change for one week! What the???

For the record: yes, Larry did tell me so.
Baby's now the size of an eggplant!That oh-so-handy sense of equilibrium is kicking in, and baby's learning to distinguish right side up from upside down. Your uterus has grown quite a bit bigger this week. The top of your uterus is between your bellybutton and your sternum. Your uterus is about the size of a soccer ball now! Your baby is able to do more with their fingers now and can move his fingers to make a complete fist. As your baby becomes more dexterous, he will be able to touch and hold his feet. Babies also begin to prefer their left hand or right hand at this time. Because babies settle into routines of sleep and activity, you might begin to notice these patterns as well. Some women experience the most fetal movements while they are trying to rest. Exploring the structures inside your uterus may have become baby's prime entertainment. Fascinated by the amount of tactile stimulation a fetus gives itself; it touches a hand to the face, one hand to the other hand, clasps its feet, touches its foot to its leg, its hand to its umbilical cord. Blood vessels of the lungs develop. Your baby's nostrils begin to open. The nerves around the mouth and lip area are showing more sensitivity now.

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