7 months….wow. Time passed so slowly the first 5ish months of this pregnancy. Now it seems like the weeks are flying by. I’m heading to the dr today and am hoping for another great report. I’m getting used to these dr visits that end with no drama!
Baby's lungs are mature enough that, if born right now, she has a pretty good chance of surviving (with help from medical technology). Her skin is still pretty wrinkly (one byproduct of living in amniotic fluid) but will smoothen as fat continues to deposit. Your baby is about 14 ¼ inches long and weighs in at 2 ½ pounds. This still seems very small, but remember that during the last several weeks of pregnancy your baby will gain a significant amount of weight. Your baby’s brain is really beginning to develop into a more complex organ. Up until this point, your baby’s brain has been relatively smooth, but beginning this week his/her brain will develop grooves and indentions along its surface. The amount of brain tissue also begins to increase during the 28th week. The development of hair also continues. Eyebrows and eyelashes are visible, while the hair on your baby’s head grows even longer. Your baby is also starting to look a little rounder as the fat storage under the skin continues to develop. This is an important part of development that will continue through the remainder of your pregnancy.
Child care- I’m beginning to hate those words. Sadly enough this is becoming one of my biggest stresses right now. I am having an extremely hard time finding child care for the babe. We toured a few day cares. As all things go- we loved a couple, liked a couple, and disliked the rest. The ones that we loved the most are just too expensive for us. Everyone says “you’ll find the money, it just always works out”. Maybe they are right. I know we can be resourceful when we’re in a pinch, but I honestly don’t know that we could come up with it month after month. It’s not like it would be a one-time bill. Even if we did scrape it together monthly, we would be so strapped financially, NOTHING could go wrong. I’m just not sure this is feasible for us. Sooooooooooooo, we are looking into in home day cares. This comes with its own problems (what doesn’t, right?). I want to find someone based off of a reference/recommendation. I do not want to drop my baby off to a complete stranger. I would prefer to find someone that a friend of a friend has used in the past. This is becoming harder than I imagined. There just aren’t a lot of people who used in home day cares, love the caregiver, is near where we live or work, AND who happens to have an opening in August. Hopefully we will find something soon so that we’re not still looking last minute.
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