Well, pregnancy brings new and exciting symptoms every day. Trust me; I’m using “exciting” very loosely. I will spare you the details of some symptoms because they’re just TMI and really nothing you want to hear about-ever. I should just say that I wake up often, notice a lovely change to my body and just say “REALLY?” I’ll leave it at that.
I will say I am the newest member of the cankles club. I honestly thought I might skip this lovely side effect of pregnancy because I have not gained a lot of weight and it’s winter time. I know that most pregnant women get cankles in the summer when it is so hot and humid, but I guess cankles strike in the winter too. I have been trying to be “good” and wear flats every day (you know giving up heels is a real sacrifice for me), but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. By the end of the day my feet are folding over my shoes and my ankle bone has completely disappeared. It is HOT, let me tell you. If I MUST find something positive (only if I must), it’s good that I have cankles in the winter because they are mostly covered with my pant leg and shoes. If it was summer and I had to put these puppies in sandals, they would eat the sandals alive.
Another side effect that I can tell you about is snoring. Yes, full on calling the hogs. I don’t know what happened but as soon as I entered the 3rd trimester I started snoring every night. The bad part about it is I already sleep on my side. So, it’s not even like I can turn over to get it to stop. Larry honestly has to leave the room most nights.
Cankles and snoring- it doesn't get much hotter than that, does it?
I head back to the dr. in a week for my 7 month visit. They will do an ultrasound at that appointment, so I’m very excited to get to check in on her again! Hopefully she’s doing great.
Baby is over 2 pounds and 15 inches long. Hard to believe she’s grown that much in 27 weeks!
Got a sudden pain in your rear? That's just baby, settling into place for her upcoming debut. Her head might be pressing on your sciatic nerve, which can cause pain and numbness down the backs of your legs. Don't worry -- it'll ease up soon after labor. For now, your aching back deserves a pat. You've reached trimester three!
Baby's lungs are going through some major developments these days, which (combined with the opening of previously plugged nostrils) means she's now able to practice inhaling and exhaling. The lack of air in your womb means every "breath" is filled with amniotic fluid, but hey -- it's progress.
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