Looks like we're on a roll....This is my 2nd dr visit in a row with all good news!!! My visit with the specialist was a complete success today. I got to see the babe during the ultrasound and it was amazing. It is so much more exciting now that she is getting bigger. I could see her little fingers and toes so clearly! I wish they had given me a picture of everything to share, but the only one I got today is another profile pix. It's not that different from the last one I posted, but hopefully you like it!
My placenta has moved to its proper location and is no longer a concern. I also got great responses to my 2 newest worries that I blogged about yesterday. 1. Is baby big enough? YES-she is right on target for 22 weeks and weighs one pound right now. 2. Is she moving enough? YES-the nurse who started the ultrasound repeated several times how the baby was moving so much it was difficult to get the measurements she needed (great!). In the end she said- "I got all of the measurements, IN SPITE OF everything". Oh no, my baby is that baby that people say "in spite of" when they reference her. :} After this the dr came in to finish the ultrasound and made the comment- "she sure is a squirmy little thing". Literally every ultrasound I have had has been accompanied by a comment about how much she moves or how uncooperative she is. Sounds like I should stop making up things to worry about and start worrying about this uberactive, stubborn little girl who is coming in April. :)
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